Quick Guide to the Curriculum

Quick Curriculum Guide

Quick Guide to Running Deer’s curriculum

The Running Deer Curriculum has 3 main elements.

They work as a cycle and support everyone to understand how things fit together, how things are planned, delivered, captured, and monitored.


When ideas, lessons, curriculum elements are created we go through these 4 steps.  

So that learning is Purposeful, Attentive, Respectful and Kind.

To make sure that an activity has learning and is linked to the Curriculum policy.


Learning falls into 5 different areas.

These help us organise our offer and makes sure learning has depth, breadth and meaning. They overlap significantly so activities can tick lots of boxes.

They main question this make us ask is why are we doing this?

What do we want them to get better at?


This is how we “teach” the activities and curriculum.

It’s broken down into 3 main ways:

Taught, Led, Facilitated.

These relate to the amount of direction the student gets.

Taught will look like a “proper” lesson.

Adult Led will look like “a teaching assistant delivering an intervention outside the classroom”.

Learner Led is done with the student- they come up with the idea and the staff guide it so it has learning involved.

There can be lots of combinations of Intent and Delivery.

You could have a Taught outdoor and rural skills session, a Learner Led formal learning session, or a Taught therapeutic and wellness session.

All sessions are recorded electronically and looked at by Teachers, Governors and Running Deer C.I.C to make sure everyone is learning in the appropriate way for them.

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